From-Startup-to-Shark-Tank-The-Journey-of-Yash-Vaishali Joy Spoon

From Startup to Shark Tank: The Journey of Yash & Vaishali

Born in Pali, Rajasthan, Yash always had an entrepreneurial spirit. After moving to Bombay for his bachelor's and pursuing CA, he realized a desk job wasn’t for him. He joined a law firm in Delhi b...
Behind-the-Scenes-of-Shark-Tank-Joyspoon-s-Journey Joy Spoon

Behind the Scenes of Shark Tank: Joyspoon's Journey

"Opportunities don't happen. You create them." – Chris Grosser In early July 2024, we officially launched Joyspoon and celebrated our very first sale of premium mukhwas and mouth fresheners. With z...
Believing-in-Yourself-The-Foundation-of-Every-Successful-Business Joy Spoon

Believing in Yourself: The Foundation of Every Successful Business

As Aman Gupta rightly says, “Believing in yourself and your idea is paramount to building a successful business.” Every entrepreneur faces skepticism—whether from customers, competitors, or industr...